Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Give Thanks and Answers

Since our announcement we have received so much support!  Thanks everyone for your thoughtful and caring words.  You're love and prayers are appreciated, now and always.

We've also been asked several questions.  The best of which was, "What country are you adopting from?"  Great question!  If anyone else is wondering, we've chosen domestic infant adoption, in other words a newborn from the United States.  Tyler was adopted as a domestic infant and it's exciting to be able to do the same as we add to our family.  A domestic infant adoption also allows us the possibility of having an open or semi-open adoption.  This was something that sounded scary when we first started looking into adoption, but now we believe that openness will provide everyone involved with rewarding relationships.

Another good question has been, "how long will it take?"  We really are just starting the process.  Getting certified entails us getting a lot of paperwork filled out and submitted.  We also have to complete 16 hours of specific training.  We'll have to take a CPR certification course and background checks have to be completed on both of us.  Then our agency will complete our home study.  The agency will visit with us in our home, both together and individually, over several different interviews.  They'll also inspect our home for certain safety, cleanliness, and space requirements.  Getting through our home study should take us 4 months or more.  Once we have successfully completed the home study process, we will be in the profile or wait list stage.  Then we just wait and pray for as long as it takes.  Wait times vary; it could take a matter of days or even years.  So, we really have no idea.

We'd love to answer any more questions you have.  Just leave any questions in the comment box, and we'll be sure to answer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you guys and am excited for your new Blog! What a great way to share and update everyone on your big Journey :)
